Make no mistake, this is an incredible game in its own right, and it definitely trumps the first Madness game that was meant to model the combat. First impressions were great, as things flowed smoothly and it didn't rely on luck a whole lot, to ease players into the game. Aside from a few hitches, things were quite smooth and natural from start to finish.
However, I don't think this is a submission that's quite ready for big retail. I'm excusing the lack of content (of which there's plenty for a flash game), as I understand it's simply an issue of time. Rather, as a Genocider, I find there's a couple mechanical details that I really didn't like at all.
First and foremost, one of the things that I enjoyed about the Madness Combat series was the blood splattering everywhere. It's a minor feature, but it doesn't quite feel the same without it, especially in the more creative ways of killing guys. You have the costumes, you have bodies that can be mutilated in 12+ different ways (disregarding simple pencil-sized bullet wounds), you have bullet holes in walls, hell, you even have bloody chunks flying off of them when things get gory. But no blood splatter that leaves permanent stains? This just isn't right.
As a side note, there's also various enemy reactions when they're dead, but some of them are just outright middle fingers in your face. I'm talking about the human wall. Guy stands there obviously going to die, but he just staggers back and forth for about 4 seconds until he finally falls, M-249 blazing or not. I really, REALLY don't appreciate having to deal with such assholes. It was cool the first time. But if I want to just get on with my business, let me eject a couple rounds into his scalp or foot to flip him over like I can clearly do with certain other people. And let me be able to do this consistently.
Secondly, your tutorial kinda sucks. I haven't played it in a while so it might have been updated. But you didn't explain how to pick up the AR that you obtain from the locker when you see it the first time. What if we want to pick up the AR? Do we just mash all the buttons until we find out, or do we trust Mr. Tutorial to tell us later, possibly way after the event of relevance? Space to crouch behind obstacles? Sure sounds handy, if only there were more than one obstacle in the entire story mode. Not to mention the arena has two of them, but the tutorial doesn't exist there, so that's too bad if you're jumping into the game by starting arena mode. And when I think of bullet time, I think of time slowing down so you can react faster. It didn't occur to me that you actually get stronger in other ways too when you use bullet time.
Third, the aiming and "dimensions" of the game don't quite exactly match up. I realize this is a difficult issue, as I've thought about it myself quite a bit. However, as a result of the current system, it's difficult to hit someone directly above/below you, and attempting to attack someone by throwing stuff at them is unreliable. I would miss G03LMs 90% of the time when I try to chuck things at them from a close distance after whacking off their helmets. Then there are the egregious walls. I've talked about the standing corpses already, but the other one is the obstacles in the arena mode. I'm blazing my guns left and right, but then suddenly a guy takes cover behind and obstacle and saves all his mates behind him from eating lead. Wtf? Why can I shoot guys behind the barrel just fine when no one is actually taking cover? In short, all of this doesn't feel good and needs to be reworked.
Fourth, dumb teammates. Fuck. I don't mind that Hank gets shot in the cranium by the MAG agent when he was actually aiming for me. Because he's so ineffective. By no means am I suggesting to make the game easy-mode, but this is a gross injustice.
And then there's the fact that somehow every time when you update the game, something in the save file breaks. Getting guns I didn't own was cool, but it was also annoying.
Geez I need more review space. GL HF. Stuff.